• 7 Global Organizations - Pillars of Protopia

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Our Mission

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All the problems in the world can be broadly summarized into 4 groups; Pollution, Poverty, Politics, and Purpose (or lack thereof). Our mission is to work towards global solutions to these core problems by connecting people together with new worldwide organizations that transcend our normal barriers of borders, race, religion, and political tribalism.

One basic solution for all 4 problems is to tax all pollution and commonwealth resources fairly worldwide and give the proceeds back to everyone equally as a Universal Basic Dividend. This will give all of humanity more of an equal voice in worldwide politics and also give us more time to learn and progress toward finding our own true purposes as well.

The only thing holding us back is our complacency and natural human resistance to change.

We have also recently expanded the 4 groups into 7 Pillars to focus on education and unifying global efforts to implement solutions to each core area.

The 7 Pillars of Protopia are:

Promoting Peace: World Federalism and stronger United Nations charters to protect all human rights and handle all territorial disputes peacefully.

Controlling Pollution: Worldwide pollution laws/fees so that global corporations can’t just outsource pollution to the lowest bidders.

Preventing Poverty: A global bank to distribute worldwide freedom dividends funded by fair taxes on pollution and commonwealth resources.

Creating Purpose: Open alternative education to help people find passion and purpose with special focus on family, friends, mentors, and community building.

Embracing Progress: Using technology and automation safely and efficiently to gradually eliminate scarcity for everyone.

Providing Proof: Create a new antifragile, impartial, and incorruptible global organization dedicated to discovering and sharing truth logically and transparently.

Protecting Prosperity. Creating a new global organization to protect freedom and human rights for all, while also coordinating efforts to combat existential risks.

Changing the world is possible. We’ve done it before.

We have seen immense progress over the years both technologically and socially. We worked together to get to the Moon, fix the ozone layer, cure and even eradicate diseases, dramatically decrease lead pollution, and build an interconnected global village via the internet. The stakes have never been higher than they are today, but we believe humanity has what it takes to rise to the challenge.

Help us create a vision for a better world!